Hazard Operability Review (HAZOP)

Introduction to HAZOP

HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) review/study is a method for a qualitative assessment of hazards associated with the operation and maintenance of a system or facility. Due to its nature a HAZOP is to be conducted by a HAZOP team since individual input, exchange of ideas and interactions between the team members are essential components of its effectiveness. The objective of an HAZOP is not to generate cost figures related to loss of production or capital, however indicative cost figures associated with the consequences of occcurances of adverse events may be included if so desired by the proponent.

A HAZOP study focuses on deviations from the intended use of the system or facility, the assessment of the consequences and operational hazards that may then occur, as well as review of the safeguards and adequacy of safeguards (LOPA) and acceptable risk (ALARP). It also establishes actions required for mitigating, or preventing the occurrence of an hazardous situation.